Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who Is This Guy

So far I'm getting the feeling that Meursault is very unfeeling and nonchalant about life. I feel like his attitude is okay. I don't mind, in fact I would actually prefer Meursault's view on life to the view that the detectives had in I Heart Huckabees. I think that being detached helps people to think more clearly on the things that are actually happening and not just life as a whole.

Meursault to me seems like he has a clear head and isn't letting emotions get in the way. But in a way being detached isn't such a good thing because he can not truly feel. This might be helping to deal with the death of his mother, the feeling of being detached might be his way of keeping a distance with life so that things never really touch him.

I think that it is a safety thing here and I can truly relate with his mood. I feel like in order to think straight sometimes we need a clear head, sometimes we need to not feel. Meursault has a gray look on life. Like everything is the same color and everything looks the same therefore everything evokes the same emotion from him, no matter what the situation.

When we did the stranger activity in the park it was interesting to see how people act. I never really pay attention to people in the street unless I'm walking with people but besides that no. I feel like I could be detached when I was observing people. It seemed that everyone was detached anyway into their own little bubble.

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