Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hw 1 - Ripping Apart a Lecture

Okay, so when I took a look at the first page of this large essay, I wasn't overwhelmed but I realized that I was going to have to rip it apart piece by piece. The entire theme to this paper is: Individualism & freedom. Two topics that most everyday people kind of know about. When Banach says "absolute freedom" I interpret that in this context "absolute" means complete instead of "for sure". So Banach's whole point of the lecture is to talk about complete freedom. In the second paragraph Banach goes on to say that we, as humans are absolute individuals. To be an individual means in a way to be alone, to think for oneself and to be apart from everyone and everything else. This point that he is making goes nicely with his meaning of absolute. So so far he is saying that we are completely alone.

Banach says that we are alone because no one else but you can ever know how you truly feel. You may be able to see someone and touch them and talk to them but they are still alone as are you. To an extent I agree, because what he is saying here is true. You can't truly know someones emotions or thoughts. I feel as though we are alone in out own minds, not trapped as Banach put it just alone. We as humans can try to venture out, can dream can imagine can think but only to an extent. It's like a curfew, fro some time you may explore others thoughts and try to mentally feel what someone else is feeling but when its all over something pulls you back to your own mind to your own room to your own space.

Because we are alone we can never connect to other people. I don't want to sound like a cynic, so I will say that yes sometimes you may reach a point when something in your head clicks and you feel some sort of connection to another person, but how can you be sureits real?

Human freedom to me seems that it cannot be reached. Can we truly be free? I don't think so. Somehow somewhere we are always restricted by rules,superiors,morals... freedom is a dream, an idea, a thought something that gives hope to those who cannot accept that we are tied down. Absolute individuals means being completely alone, being in ones own mind and being apart from the thoughts of others. Now human happiness is really quite similar to human freedom. Something that makes me happy might not make someone else happy, therefore complete human happiness cannot be achieved. Because all humans are so different and have completely different morals,values and ideas we do not, we cannot just agree on one thing; forever disturbing the non-existent chain of "human happiness"


  1. I really like how you start off your blog. I really like how you tell us when reading something you interpret it as (whatever you said). That show us your point of view on the passage and could also teach us alittle bit more by stating how you interpret something.

    Throughout your whole blog you analyze quote and ask questions and answer them yourself. I like how you interpret what Banach is saying.

    After reading your blog I feel like you have spoken of this before. It's so depth. And everything you said is very interesting.

    I like reading this blog and can't wait to read more.

  2. It was interesting how you spilt up the statement "absolute freedom" and explained what you thought each word meant and connected it back to the lecture. It was entertaining how at one point during your blog you sort of have a conversation with the reader when you say "I don't want to sound like a cynic.." it pulled me more into your blog cause i felt like you were holding a conversation with me.

    Its obvious that one major point was that you agree with the lecture to a point but that you still have your own opinions about certain topics, such as how freedom is a dream and ideas are just thoughts to people who can't accept that we are tied down. (Btw that sentence really had and impact on me)

    In your blog you talk about how were alone and don't really understand each other's emotions... if this is true how do relationships work? how are people attracted to one another?

    I thought overall your blog was good and it grabbed my attention from the start. There were a couple of grammar mistakes so just reread over you work when your finished.

    Reading your blog opened my mind about a couple of things... how in reality no matter how hard we try we will always be constricted by someone who is higher then us that will controls us and how we are always constricted by our own thoughts so we never open our minds to others.

    I really enjoyed your blog i can't wait to read your ones to come.
