Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hw 2- Comments 1

To Stephanie F:

I like how you gave quotes from the reading to show that you were actually giving thought to what you were reading and not just staring blankly at the text.

I also agree with the point that you make about or feelings making us indivduals. Also the point you made about how you can never truly know what anyone else is feeling.

I like that you agree with the text and then state why by giving an example. Its cool how you included how that being an individual comes from what you make of it and not the other way around.

This was a good post, looking forward to reading more.

To Richard D:

I think its really cool how you start off explaining what you believe in and how it connects to Banach's ideas.

I agree with you when you say that your viewes and belifs make a difference when it comes to the ideas that Banach is expressing. WHy do you think there are so many sides to Banach's belifs? Why?

Is this something new or has the idea of being individuals (mentally) been brough up to you before. I think that it it interesing how you say that Banach seems to talk like there is an illusion.

I find myself thinking that when Bancah says we have "absolute freedom" he means that we are completely free, in the sense that we are also alone. What do you think?

I think you post is interesting. You bring up some great thoughs.

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