Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Post- 3 To Be or Not To Be

I don't think that there is such a thing as complete happiness. I think that happiness exists but for everyone to have it seems a little far fetched. I bet that that sounds a litte confusing so i'll explain. Something that makes me happy might not make someone else happy and vice versa. So therefor we would forever be stuck in a never ending circle of people being unhappy.

I do believe that achieveing happiness is possible. There is no doubt in my mind that becoming happy is not achievable. I think that being happy can be defined differently in 1,000,000 different ways. I think that these ideas that Bancah suggest can be a little narrow minded.

For example when he says that human happiness comes from within. I believe that that is possible but I don't think that that is the only thing that one should rely on to be happy. I don't think that there is anything wrong with achieveing happiness fromt things outside onself. If in the end you are happy (without endangering others) then that is all that matters.

I can not stress how tired I am of this question, "Are we free?" For the umteenth time, no. Freedom, can also be defined in many different ways. I don't want to be extreme. In a way we are free, we are not confined to cages and shuned from the outside world. But in Banach's POV we kind of are.

Human life follows a cycle, we are born, we go to school, we raise hell, more school, start a family, we die. More or less that is what will happen to most people. So from that point are we free? If we all do the same thing how does that make us free?


  1. I really liked how you started your post. Your really grabbed my attention and you didn't just make a statement without backing it up. Your sense of humor and affection when talking about how the question " are we free" really bothers you... it made me laugh out loud.

    I disagree with your statement "I don't think there is such thing as complete happiness" because someone can be comeptley happy when there really withdrawn into something they love... such as spending time with someone they love, playing there favorite sport or just laughing really hard till they cry. There is always something that makes someone completly happy in my opinion.

    We haven't really discussed the opposite point of view in class. Like how can some one achieve total happiness by relying on someone or external things. Your blog brings up many points to discuss during class.

    I really enjoyed reading this blog it brought me in a lot more then your past one. Keep up the good work.

  2. I like how you started your blog and explaining about happiness and how not everyone has happiness. You also back up your argument and connected yourself and said how "Something that makes me happy might not make someone else happy and vice versa" and I like how you did that.

    Everything you said about happiness is explain thoroughly and I am very interested but i disagree. I do believe that everyone has some form of happiness and is able to get it within themselves.

    I also like what you have said about whether we are free or not but i also believe that we are not free most of the time.

    i really enjoy reading your blog and you got me thinking about my points and whether I'm wrong or not. I can't wait to read other blogs from you.
