Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hw 3- Just How Long Is This Lecture?

This guy Banach is trying so hard to get his point across in my opinion. He is hammering this idea that we are individuals in to our heads.

I have to be honest I don't think I care. But for the sake of homework I'll ponder it... Okay so Banach (by the way if you want to know how to say his name: ) Anyway, Banach begins to talk about how because we are human beings we have the power to make ourselves in to anything that we want. It gets a bit fuzzy for me here we he says "we exist and then we create our nature, our essence, who we are." But what about people that choose to exist and create the same things? Lets say that you have freedom as Banach suggests, and with that freedom you choose to become identical, choose to become something of a replica of something else? Then are you still separate from them?

I think its nice how Banach is so sure of his thoughts, there is not one hint of uncertainty. But I don't think that we are free. We are and will always be limited, there are always going to be rules and authority. I don't think that "complete happiness" exist either because there are different things that make people happy and one thing that makes you happy may cause unhappiness in someone else.

I like the question "Can we share emotions?" I would like to think so. If we were to believe that I would think that it makes us feel better, that it makes us feel as if we are not alone and I believe that that is what matters. Feelings are everything, they are the motors to out minds and our bodies. If we don't feel something we don't believe that its real. Being connects to someone else's feelings, to me I think that that helps to add depth to things being real.

I feel that with Banach's ideas, we can never really know whats real and what is not. If he believes that we see everything as we want to see it then no one really knows what they are looking at.

And I'd like to think I know what I'm seeing out my own two eyes.

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